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In the Internet + era, what should the machinery industry do?

Time:2021-03-23 00:00:00

Since Premier Li Keqiang put forward the concept of "Internet+" on March 15th, and put forward the idea of standing on the wind of Internet+ and taking advantage of the trend to make the economy fly, the concept of "Internet+" has quickly taken off in China. The craze, leading figures in all walks of life, are actively catering to the trend of Internet +, hoping to follow this general trend, usher in the upgrading of the industry and the take-off of enterprises.

And what does "Internet+" mean? Simply put: "Internet+" refers to the desire to use domestic relatively high-quality and internationally leading Internet power to accelerate the efficiency, quality, innovation, cooperation and marketing of the relatively backward manufacturing industry in China The upgrading of capabilities and the use of information to drive the quality of animals will also be combined with the overall strategy of the One Belt One Road to promote the international influence of the overall industry. From this perspective, Internet+ will have a disruptive effect on various industries. Therefore, whether it is the real estate industry, financial industry, or agriculture, all major domestic industries are also actively seeking integration with the Internet, hoping to achieve subversive innovation and upgrading, triggering profound changes in the industry. Under such a general background, how should China's machinery manufacturing industry cater to this general trend to form an industrial upgrade?

   The author believes that the machinery manufacturing industry should cater to the trend of the times and use the Internet to achieve industrial upgrades. With the development of cross-border e-commerce and national policies supporting cross-border e-commerce and logistics, choosing cross-border e-commerce has become an excellent choice for the machinery manufacturing industry to seek transformation. And what kind of network platform machinery manufacturers choose to cooperate with? It has become a puzzle for manufacturers. Although cross-border e-commerce is developing rapidly in China, cross-border e-commerce platforms are gradually increasing, but many platforms are not professional mechanical websites. In order to meet everyone's needs and make "foreign trade easier!", Beijing Qiancheng Network Technology Co., Ltd. has created Dongfang Machinery Network-a multilingual e-commerce website focusing on the machinery industry to provide customers with efficient and reliable information Communication and trade services.

According to the author’s understanding, Dongfang Machinery.com is promoted through the global professional native language, and Internet SEM promotes thinking to enable more international buyers to understand and recognize China’s real high-quality machinery manufacturers, as well as Chinese machinery manufacturers and international buyers. Provide professional services and solutions. A platform for global buyer transactions, professional promotion, targeted machinery sales...For the machinery industry, Dongfang Machinery Net can meet the needs of the machinery industry to go out and increase sales.

   In short, under the general trend of such "Internet +" development, China's machinery industry should actively cater to it and realize the transformation of the machinery industry with new operating methods and thinking models.