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This year's motor energy saving will usher in a golden period

Time:2021-03-23 00:00:00

"The efficiency of the motor unit in my country is 75%, which is 10% lower than that of foreign countries; the operating efficiency of the system is 30% to 40%, which is 20% to 30% lower than the international advanced level. Therefore, in our country, the motor has great energy-saving potential. Energy-saving motors are imperative." said Han Xiaoping, president of China Energy Network Information.

   Relevant data show that the average annual running time of motors in my country's industrial sector is about 3000 hours, but in petroleum, chemical, paper, metallurgy, and electric power industries, motors often need to run for 24 hours, and the annual running time is more than 6000 hours. If high-efficiency motors are used in these long-running and high-load occasions, the energy saving effect will be very significant.

   As a key energy-consuming unit in the industrial field, electromechanical equipment plays a pivotal role in the implementation of resource-saving measures in my country. Electricity consumption of electromechanical products such as motors, transformers, electric welding machines, and electric furnaces accounts for more than 70% of the country's electricity consumption.

   As the core component of the production line, the motor plays a vital role in the production process. According to expert analysis, during the entire life cycle of a motor, its purchase price accounts for 2% of the total cost of the motor, maintenance costs account for 0.7% of its total cost, and energy consumption costs account for 97.3%. Therefore, the use of high-efficiency motors can not only increase productivity and reduce motor life cycle costs, but also reduce energy consumption and reduce carbon dioxide emissions.

  Take motors as an example. For every one percentage point increase in motor energy efficiency in the industrial sector, 26 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity can be saved annually. Through the promotion of high-efficiency motors, elimination of low-efficiency motors in use, efficient remanufacturing of low-efficiency motors, and energy-saving transformation of the motor system according to its load characteristics and operating conditions, the overall efficiency of the motor system can be improved by 5 to 8 It can save 130 billion to 230 billion kilowatt-hours of electricity annually, which is equivalent to the power generation of two or three Three Gorges power stations.

   At present, there are three main ways to save energy in motors: that is, variable frequency speed regulation and energy saving, high-efficiency motor energy-saving, and reactive power compensator to improve motor power factor and energy-saving. Among them, the frequency conversion speed regulation can save energy by more than 30% on average, and the energy saving effect is significant. At the same time, it has a wide range of applications. It has become one of the main ways of energy saving for motors.

   In 2014, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology actively promoted the implementation of special funds or used existing funding channels to subsidize the energy-saving transformation of motor systems, and supported a number of demonstration projects. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology regards the motor energy efficiency improvement plan as one of the important tasks in the field of industrial energy conservation and emission reduction in the next three years. According to the clear plan of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, in the next three years, it will accumulatively promote 170 million kilowatts of high-efficiency motors and implement 100 million kilowatts of energy-saving technical transformation of motor systems. Based on this estimate, the demand for high-efficiency motors and related equipment is close to 100 billion yuan.

"In 2015, as the base of scale increases, it will be more difficult for the machinery industry to achieve growth. Coupled with factors such as changes and upgrades in the demand structure, and the shift from incremental dominance to inventory dominance, the market is putting pressure on the industry to transform and upgrade. It will continue to increase.” Relevant experts said that in the face of the current severe challenges, machinery industry enterprises need to explore and adjust the industrial structure and business model, and shift their footholds to rely on energy-saving and emission-reduction technologies to support industrial innovation and development. Direction up.

   Generally speaking, electric motors are sold to three types of customers: end users, agents and equipment suppliers. The proportions of its product consumption are as follows: end users account for 5%, agents account for about 15%, and downstream industry machinery and equipment suppliers account for 80%. It can be seen that whether motor products can finally be accepted by the market depends on the attitude of machinery and equipment suppliers.

   Shanshe stepping motors, which have always been leading the motor industry with high-precision technology, continue to maintain high-quality features such as high integration of control solutions, flexible design, stable control, precise positioning, high-precision products, and after-sales specialization. The majority of customers provide high-quality, high-quality and high-efficiency motor products, which is the best choice for customers to provide cost control and procurement optimization.